This is a Melon puzzle. (8 – Skyscrapers)

Skyscrapers by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Threes Frame

Rules: Standard Skyscrapers rules.

Answer String: Enter the 2nd row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 4th row from left to right.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:00, Master = 3:00, Expert = 6:00

Solution: PDF

This is a Melon puzzle. (7 – Fillomino)

Fillomino by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between a composite mode for line/edge drawing and a number entry mode.)

Theme: Antisymmetric Ones

Rules: Standard Fillomino rules.

Answer String: For each cell in the marked rows/columns, enter the area of the polyomino it belongs to. Start with the 6th row, followed by a comma, followed by the 8th row. Enter both digits if the area is a double digit number.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:00, Master = 2:45, Expert = 5:30

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other classic Fillomino and this link for more variations on Fillomino puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Fillomino puzzles to get started on.

Melon’s Tapa 5 Walkthrough

This week’s Friday Tapa was a tough one, with many questions both from readers and test-solvers on what the intended logic is. This post will answer that question completely.


This is a Melon puzzle. (6 – Statue Park)

Statue Park by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Paired Black Circles

Rules: Standard Statue Park rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 8:00, Master = 16:00, Expert = 32:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Statue Park Puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Statue Parks to get started on.

This is a Melon puzzle. (5 – Tapa)

Tapa by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to shift between shading mode and the composite Yajilin mode where left click marks cells, right click marks dots in cells or X’s on edges, left click+drag draws lines.)

Theme: Logical

Rules: Standard Tapa rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:45, Master = 7:30, Expert = 15:00

Note: This puzzle now has a walkthrough available.

Solution: PDF

This is a Melon puzzle. (4 – Statue Park)

Statue Park by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Symmetric blacks, almost symmetric whites

Rules: Standard Statue Park rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:00, Master = 4:30, Expert = 9:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Statue Park Puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Statue Parks to get started on.

This is a Melon puzzle. (3 – Tapa)

Tapa by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to shift between shading mode and the composite Yajilin mode where left click marks cells, right click marks dots in cells or X’s on edges, left click+drag draws lines.)

Theme: Logical

Rules: Standard Tapa rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:45, Master = 6:00, Expert = 12:00

Solution: PDF

This is a Melon puzzle. (2 – Statue Park)

Statue Park by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: % sign

Rules: Standard Statue Park rules. Note: despite the presentation of shapes above, all shapes can be reflected if necessary.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 3:15, Master = 4:15, Expert = 8:30

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Statue Park Puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Statue Parks to get started on.

This is a Melon puzzle. (1 – Tapa)

Tapa by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to shift between shading mode and the composite Yajilin mode where left click marks cells, right click marks dots in cells or X’s on edges, left click+drag draws lines.)

Theme: MM

Rules: Standard Tapa rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 2:00, Master = 2:45, Expert = 5:30

Solution: PDF

Editor’s Note: It is with great pleasure that we add Palmer Mebane to our list of Contributing Puzzlemasters this week with a set of rather interesting and challenging puzzles. One of the top puzzle solvers in the world (the current US Puzzle Champion and a past World Puzzle Champion), Palmer is also a phenomenal puzzle designer as anyone who has followed his puzzles in the past should know.