This is a Melon puzzle. (6 – Statue Park)

Statue Park by Palmer Mebane


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Paired Black Circles

Rules: Standard Statue Park rules.

Answer String: Enter the length in cells of each of the shaded segments from left to right for the marked rows, starting at the top. Separate each row’s entry from the next with a comma.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 8:00, Master = 16:00, Expert = 32:00

Solution: PDF

Note: Follow this link for other Statue Park Puzzles. If you are new to this puzzle type, here are our easiest Statue Parks to get started on.

  • Jack Bross says:

    I was sort of expecting a full pentomino set of Statue Park today. Put down ILNY almost immediately, which made for a rather nice break-in — I enjoyed the logic about how the pentominos have to get divvied up amongst the twelve visually grouped pairs.

    • hagriddler says:

      I also liked how you (or at least I) at first glance assumed that the paired cells should always belong to the same shapes, silly me… 🙂
      I haven’t solved many statue parks (I guess this is my second after the one on the R&I page…).
      I guess I must check out Palmer’s old site more often…

  • ksun48 says:

    Okay, this was pretty ridiculous.
    It was about 29 minutes for me, didn’t time exactly.
    Is this the intended steps?
    V -> Y hfrf 1 tvira -> L cragbzvab hfrf 3 tviraf -> gur cragbzvabrf gung hfr gjb tviraf bs qvssrerag cnvef zhfg punva gb gur L jvgubhg hfvat gur cnvef ba gur rqtr?

  • MellowMelon says:

    Yes, that’s exactly what I had intended.

    Regarding your time, this is a puzzle on the boundary of being unsuitable for a timed competition (too hard), so don’t worry too much about it.

  • ArDeeJ says:

    Hours. Welp. It was fun anyways.

  • Tricia says:

    After multiple attempts, I need a hint. One of my assumptions must be wrong. But which one? I’m tired of staring at the puzzle and coming to the same incorrect conclusion.

    1. Gurer vf bayl bar cynpr gb chg gur V cvrpr.
    2. Cynprzrag bs gur Y cvrpr vzzrqvngryl sbyybjf.
    3. Orpnhfr gur Y cvrpr pbagnvarq bayl bar oynpx pvepyr, nabgure cvrpr zhfg unir guerr, naq guvf gheaf bhg gb or gur L cvrpr.
    4. Gurer ner rknpgyl gjb cynprf gur L cvrpr zvtug svg, ohg
    5. vs vg vf cynprq va gur hccre cbfvgvba, gurer vf ab jnl gb zngpu hc gur erznvavat oynpx pvepyrf va cnvef bs gjb.
    6. Nsgre cynpvat gur L naq cnvevat gur erznvavat pvepyrf, gur A cvrpr vf rnfvyl cynprq.
    7. Gurer vf n cvrpr pbaarpgvat gur L naq A cvrprf, naq guvf zhfg or rvgure gur G be gur S.
    8. Cynpvat nqqvgvbany juvgr pvepyrf znxrf vg pyrne gung gur cvrprf ng 12:00 naq 3:00 zhfg or gur H naq C cvrprf.
    9. Guvf zrnaf gur cvrpr va gur obggbz yrsg pna bayl or gur I.
    10. V’z yrsg jvgu bayl gjb cynprf jurer gur M naq J cvrprf jvyy svg, juvpu ner gur cnvef bs oynpx pvepyrf ng gur obggbz pragre, ohg cynpvat gubfr cvrprf gurer phgf gur nern bs juvgr pvepyrf vagb gjb.

    • MellowMelon says:

      Everything is right up to your last line. You’ve missed another possible location of the W.

      • Tricia says:

        Thanks! Now it seems silly to have missed that, but I’m glad I made it so far before goofing. I guess I need a little more practice with this puzzle type.

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