The Puzzle Robot #14 – Skyscraper Blocks

Skyscrapers by Serkan Yürekli


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools)

Theme: Clue Symmetry and Logic

Rules: Variation of Skyscrapers rules. Place digits 1-6 into the grid so that no digit is repeated within a row or column. Digits outside the grid indicate the number of buildings that can be seen from the corresponding direction. The buildings form two-digit numbers and the relations between some numbers are shown with a greater than/less than sign.

Or, see here.

Answer String: Enter the 3rd row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 4th column from top to bottom.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 5:15, Master = 7:30, Expert = 15:00

Solution: PDF

  • Rather tougher than the first Skyscraper Blocks, I’d say, though I did rather enjoy the moment when I realized how the chains of greater-than signs would force certain digits. (Is that too much of a puzzle spoiler? I’m never certain what counts as crossing the line. If it is, feel free to delete this.)

  • Tricia says:

    It’s hard to get around my assumptions about skyscraper clues. I got stuck worrying about how to make things work with the last column on the right until I realized that, of course, it wouldn’t contain all six values. That error kept me from beating the Master time.

  • Jack Bross says:

    It was pretty handy heading into the second half of the solve to track the voids — every column has to be missing a different digit.

  • Aaron Chan says:

    Nice puzzle. Took me a while to spot the full implications of the chain of equalities at the bottom.

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