From the Foxger’s Den #39: Battleship Sudoku

Battleship Sudoku by Grant Fikes


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between number placement, ship placement, and shading modes. The shading mode in gray, which numbers can be written on top of, may work better than default ship placement.)

This is a “Twisted Tuesday” puzzle variation.

Theme: No Radar!

Rules: Standard Battleship Sudoku rules. However, there is no radar (no outside battleships clues).

Answer String: Enter the 5th row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 5th column from top to bottom.

Time Standards (highlight to view): Grandmaster = 1:45, Master = 2:30, Expert = 5:00

Solution: PDF

Dr. Sudoku Prescribes #44 – Battleship Sudoku

Battleship Sudoku by Thomas Snyder


or solve online (using our beta test of Penpa-Edit tools; use tab to alternate between number placement, ship placement, and shading modes. The shading mode in gray, which numbers can be written on top of, may work better than default ship placement.)

Theme: Even Steven; the fleet has only certain kinds of numbers.

Rules: Standard Battleship Sudoku rules.

Answer String: Enter the 2nd row from left to right, followed by a comma, followed by the 6th column from top to bottom.

Time Standard: Battleship Sudoku Grandmaster = 1:30, Master = 2:15, Expert = 4:30

Solution: PDF